Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th Of July! We drove a few minutes to watch the fireworks in Heber. They are some of the best that we have seen. When they are shooting them off, it feels like they are going to fall down on you. The sound is so loud car alarms are going off all around, and it echos off the mountians. Definatly recommend them to all.


simplyshye said...

YEP !! HEBER is the BeST -EST plaCE . We Go EvERY yEAR and the FinaLE this yeaR waS SOO GooD .
Such a SmaLL plACE and YeT sooo many peoplE (soRT-A) fit there .

O'Loughlin Family said...

I didnt know you guys went up north for fireworks! Someone else told me the Heber fireworks are amazing too. Maybe we'll have to make the treck next year.

Mariah said...

Hey, Laura.. it's Mariah from the ward.. yes AND YOU WERE AT HEBER TOO! FUNNY, and heber ALWAYS, and ALWAYS will have the best-est fireworks, atleast for now!!! It was a fun, and enjoyable wekek? days:) gotta love Heb-ah!:)
